Wednesday 16 March 2011

Character Profile!

1. Muhammad Hassan
He is one of the three teens who enters the school during the first week of their summer vacations just to shoot a fun video to upload on you tube. He is tall, good looking and acts as the head of the gang. The shooting thing was his idea and he is a lot reputation cautious so the video was supposed to be a way to be famous.

2. Saud Zafar
Saud is short and wears a cap all the time. He is a side kick of Hassan's. He is the one who till the end doesn't realise the gravity of the situation and thinks that it is a prank being played on him. He is the last to survive but in the end he too is haunted and killed.

3. Mian Waleed
Waleed is the person who shoots the video most of the time. He is a camera shy and doesn't like being filmed. He was at first against the idea but later on joins his friend to their doom.

4. The Angered Spirit.
It is the one who causes the problem. The ghost is of a young foster girl who was physically abused by her teacher, after school timings. She couldn't bear the pain and gives in. The Teacher along with the school administration bury her body in the school ground and the case ends. The school closes a week before as scheduled because of some paranormal activities witnessed and also because of the ' missing girl case'.
She is not shown in the movie.

Posted By Zayan 

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