Tuesday 1 March 2011


The trailer I will be analyzing now is from the famous 1991 hit, ‘Silence of the Lambs’.
The genre of the movie is a mixture of both Crime and Horror. The narration of the movie revolves around three characters, a rookie FBI agent; a psychiatrist and a serial killer.

The trailer was released in 1990’s so it is a bit different from what we see nowadays. So let’s analyze it.


Talking about the camera movements and shots, we get to see a variety of those.
The trailer begins with the close up of the female FBI agent. CUs of other characters are also shown which denotes a horror genre. Shots like Point of view are also used. These shots are used very much in horror genre to enhance the effect. The zoom in of a newspaper is an innovative shot- impressive.

The location of the shooting is a jail. The iron bars and the stone walls get the audience engagement to the text. These too are stereotypical to crime and horror genre. Shot compositions are brilliant; be it of the stretcher or the killer talking to the agent, the audience is still with the trailer.

Misc-en-scene of the trailer is such to favor the genre. Lighting is kept dark, particularly using only one source of light. The costumes are according to the characters, e.g. the plain Wight suit of the killer.

Editing is again on a faster pace. Use of fade ins and outs at a higher speed is conventional. Cuts are also used. The same flashing effect of the title is kept which creeps the viewer.


This time a narrator uses non diegetic sounds to engage the audience. It was very common those days to narrate a part of the story to get audience’s attention. Sounds effects are also used i.e. the sudden bang noises particularly at the movement when a cut is being used.

The characters use the slow whispering tone to add to the horror. The diegetic voices like squeaking of the door and the sound of light bulb swinging is conventional.

Posted by Zayan


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