Thursday 3 March 2011

Research On Paranormal

Paranormal by literal definition means something 'beyond normal’, as in something that is mysterious or unknown to us humans. Paranormal phenomena are basically a term that distinguishes experiences that lie outside the range of normal experiences or beyond scientific exploration. People refer to such unrealistic matter as 'ghosts' or 'spirits of the dead'
The U.S.N.S (United States National Science) has also made references on the existence of such unrealistic matter. However the existence of such 'spirits' and ghostly creatures has yet not been truly discovered by us, but there are certain reports which have strong evidence regarding such material. There are people who have witnessed sights of ghostly creatures and have felt the presence of such paranormal-ism. 
There are certain haunted places where the restless spirits of the night linger. They manifest as eerie voices and strange perfumes; they move things about; they creep out of the shadows as apparitions. Sometimes they even attack.
The Waverly Hill sanatorium was completed in 1926. The hospital was always dedicated to the treatment of tuberculosis patients a disease that was fairly common in the early 20th century. It is estimated that as many as 63,000 people died as the sanatorium. Those deaths coupled with the reports of severe mistreatment of patients and highly questionable experiments and procedures are ingredients for a haunted location.
Ghost investigators who have ventured into Waverly have reported a host of strange paranormal phenomena, including voices of unknown origin isolated cold spots and unexplained shadows. Screams have been heard echoing in its now abandoned hallways, and fleeting apparitions have been encountered.
 Located in San Diego, California, the Whaley House has earned the title of "the most haunted house in the U.S." Built in 1857 by Thomas Whaley on land that was partially once a cemetery, the house has since been the locus of dozens of ghost sightings. Author deTraci Regula relates her experiences with the house which include:
- The spirit of a young girl who was accidentally hanged on the property.
-The ghost of Yankee Jim Robinson, a thief who was clubbed to death and who can be heard on the house's stairway where he died, and has sometimes been seen during
tours of the old house.
-The red-haired daughter of the Whaley's sometimes appears in such a realistic form; she is sometimes mistaken for a live child. 

Posted By Saud 

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