Thursday 10 March 2011

Final Idea

The final idea we decided together was a mixture of all our idea and we decided to stick to the genre of Horror/Supernatural. Our idea was about a group of teenagers, preferably 3-4. Who wander off in the school premises after hours just for the fun of it with a handy cam to record their exploits. There they are haunted by the ghost of a child who died there recently, a victim of sexual and physical abuse by a staff teacher. The child committed suicide after the entire incident and the school administration kept the whole thing quiet in order to avoid any complications with the law and buried the dead body of the child in the ground somewhere and thus the teacher was never caught. The administration spread the news that the child went missing and the police never suspected the school of any wrong doing. After two days of this incident, the school announced summer holidays and a group of students broke in the school just for the fun of it. However they did not know the building was haunted by the angry spirit of the child who died in there and started picking off the students, one by one.

We are going to use the point of view shots all along the trailer as done in ‘Blair Witch Project’. We also can use the school security camera footage as exhibited in ‘Paranormal Activity’. So our most of camera work will be handheld and we will be willingly showing jerks all along. Sound effects like the creepy digetic sounds of squeaky opening of doors, the walking of someone on the staircase, flickering lights etc. Lighting will be done low and so we will be able to show evening hours. Editing will kept at a faster pace so that a horror/thriller effect can be shown. We hope to engage our audience by all the techniques and creating sympathy in them for the characters that die one after another.

Positive Points:-

         1.       Shooting at school provides us number of different locations to take shots e.g. labs, class rooms, lobby, corridors and staircases.
         2.       Our cast won’t have any issues of location.
         3.       Handheld camera means POV (sort of) and a lot of enigma can be created by using this technique.
         4.       Sound effect those we need can be recorded easily.
         5.       Can use emotion triggering texts in the trailer.
         6.       A storyline that targets a large range of audience. Recently such movies have done a real good business.

Negative Points:-

1.        Can’t shoot anytime we want; need permission for specific times to work.
2.        There are virtually no dialogues, we rely more on sound effects and non-digetic sounds.
3.         We certainly need to do the lighting low and it’s very hard to do so.
4.        Handheld means very less innovative shots and more simple and conventional shots.

Posted By The Group

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