Thursday 3 March 2011

Individual Idea # 1

My Idea takes inspiration from incidents which took place in my city Lahore a long time ago. My mother told me about a person, who used to kidnap children and then used to purchase them clothes. He then saved all the items they had and throw them into a tank full of acid. Upon increasing kidnap cases the police finally set the premises. The police was able to catch that man when he was about to throw a girl into the tank. He was there right on the spot shot by the police. Another myth is that he was thrown in the same tank.

I want to mix both horror and crime genre, as in the ‘Silence of the Lambs’. My narrative is about a group of teenagers, probably all boys. They all are dared by another group to spend a night in a ‘haunted’ house in their neighborhood. And for evidence they did, they also have to shoot all the night. I am also thinking of evolving it into like an initiation challenge. The house was of a local serial killer who lived their in late 1960’s and upon discovery that he is a killer, he along his house was burned. The notion is that his soul still remains in the house and doesn’t let anyone enter or demolish the burnt building. That ‘physco’ killer used to kidnap boys of ages 7-18, bring them home then he used to torture them to death. Let it be by slaughtering them or by spraying acid on them. The group accepts the challenge and decides to spend some time of night in that house. The idea is about showing all the sequence as handheld camera, as in ‘The Blair Witch Project’. The group of four enters the house very easily and they just start disappearing one by one till the one who has the camera says his last words that ‘all of his friends are missing and he is scared’. The camera falls and we hear his screams then their footage is discovered when the police finally comes and rips down the place.

The camera shots to be used are simpler because the whole clip is made by handheld. The lightening is just of the two powerful torch lights which are in the hand of the teenagers. The use of cuts and fade ins and outs would be there, to enhance the horrifying effect. I would also like to use the simple black screen, to show text which can engage my audience to the text I have produced.

Positive Points:-

  1. A story line which will target the most active audience.
  2. Single location.
  3. Creates Enigma in the audience.
  4. Sound for the sequence can be easily found.
  5. Catches audience attention by engaging them emotionally to the sequence.
  6. A location, where I can easily shoot at anytime.
  7. Can use texts in the trailer as in ‘ The Blair Witch Project’.

Negative Points:-

  1. The biggest problem revolves around the lighting. Difficult to create the effect I wish
  2. Handheld Camera means a lot of jerky movements, which would be very disturbing.
  3. Need actors which are potentially good.
  4. Difficult for audience to understand immediately as no paranormal ghost can be shown.
  5. Will be relying on the sound more than the visual.
  6. Less dialogues and more screams and monologues. Unless we show one.
Posted By Zayan

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