Thursday 3 March 2011

Individual Idea # 2

As the genre of our teaser trailer is inspired by the paranormal phenomena so we had to choose a set that would look as if it's a haunted place. I did a lot of research on haunted places all over the world and found a lot of places which gave me an idea to choose a location for my trailer. So after doing a lot of research I decided ''a night at the campus'' would be a good title for our trailer. So I considered choosing our own school's premises as the location for our shoot, as later in the evening since there's no one around so the be-wilderness gives a haunted effect. I stayed behind after school just to see how haunted it looks and found certain places like the corridors and the basement to be the perfect place for shooting the intro of our teaser trailer. Then it also clicked to me that the empty classrooms were also a good spot for a shoot out. Considering the above factors it seemed that the shoot in the school premises would be a perfect choice, however it has it's draw backs. It is difficult to get permission from our school administration and it would be difficult to shoot with our handy-cam, plus we would also require to have a proper light setting there which adds another constraint to this location. Then I thought of shooting the trailer on my farm house, as at sunset it gets quite dark and the openness gives a real creepy effect so it can also be a good spot for our shoot out. The positive thing about my farm house was that the house is very old and since no one goes there, so there are cob-webs all over and the natural haunted effect would definitely be an ideal spot for the shoot for our teaser trailer, however choosing my farm house as the location also had certain negative points, such as it's too far from the city and it would be a problem to go get together and I don't have an electricity generator there so we cannot rely on the local electricity connection.
So what i decided was to raise up both of the ideas I have in mind for the shoot outs location and then have a group meeting with my group fellows before finalizing our location.

Posted By Saud

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