Tuesday 19 April 2011

Evaluation Questions.

1. How effective is the combination of your main product and Ancillary texts?

The main product is teaser trailer of a horror movie. The ancillary texts include a magazine front cover and Poster. While making these things,we kept in our mind that they must relate to each other. So we kept a lot of similarities :

1.The logo was a uniting element connoting that all of these are made by a main production company-MADEYE.

2.The  micro elements of all the texts relate that the genre is HORROR

3.The image manipulated in poster and magazine is about the same, showing lockers at school. Same showed in the video.

4. The font of the title of the movie is same throughout and so is the 'tag-line'.

So these points really show how our product is united as one to enhance the effectiveness of it.

Posted by Saud

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