Sunday 17 April 2011

My Editing Idea.

When I got the whole footage on my USB, I went home and went through all of it. I saw it twice and each time made notes on how I would manipulate a certain shot. I then brought the complete footage on Adobe Premiere, made an .avi and then exported a movie. And again I made a new project and worked my way.

My idea is to create disturbance in my audience, giving them the least of information I could. When I a scary/horror movie you see the ghost you are not any more as scared as before because the thriller is over. So I wanted to show the activities of the ‘angered spirit’ in the school. The very to begin with a boy being pulled in a room, people running and last but not the least some blood.

It is not all about putting the random shots and making a teaser but those shots must tell some story. Most of all to get my audience engage with the three characters. Firstly, I will be putting up some of the shots where my three characters are shown doing random stuff in school. For example, what would one do when they break into a school? Yeah! That’s the type of things I wanted to show so that I could create verisimilitude. Then a talops saying that, ‘the fun and games have ended’- that is where the fun begins. Then the complete disturbing shots are sequenced till the end where the name of the movie appears.

The name of movie is still under considerations, many of the suggestions have come up but the group really likes the name VENGENCE. As we have showed the thing called an angered spirit.

Posted By Zayan

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