Wednesday 20 April 2011

Evaluation Questions

Q.4 What have you learned from the audience feedback?

'If a product doesn't have any audience, there is no need to produce it', by keeping this line in our minds we began our Advance Portfolio. There is no audience but people with varying tastes. So we were keen on producing text siutable for varying tastes. In our research we were able to find out that the most active audience i.e. teens and above like horor genre alot. And movies like 'Blair Witch Project' and 'Paranormal Activity 1 and 2' had low budget but were able to pull off a great deal of business. When we selected that we will be doing horror movie, we told about this to our fellows in class and took their responses that they really like to see a horror movie with sub genre as paranormal.

When we were done with our first cuts, we showed them to our fellow students and got their responses which lead us to change the name of the movie as VENGEANCE and adding more sound effects Laterwhen we showed our final product to our audience they really appreciated the following:
  • The use of logo in the Trailer.
  • Sound Effects and misc en scene
  • The use of location image as main image instead of a character image- they really saw it as a 'trend changer'

Posted By Zayan

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