Tuesday 19 April 2011

Textual Analysis Of Poster # 1.

This is the main poster for the movie "Paranormal Activity". After quickly analysing it one time, I felt as if the poster lacked some detail and it really disappointed me, however after going through it again slowly this time, I realized how simply and without the use of conventional factors used in posters for other horror movie's, the designer has gotten his message through.

The image used is a screen shot from the movie and has been given a grainy effect to further prove that it is been taken inside the movie from a amateur camera.The couple are relate-able characters and audience is expected to relate to them and wonder the reason for their anxiety and share it. The next thing is the door in the poster. The fact that the couple are looking at it with a tensed expression on their face and it's open while both of them are sitting on the bed is further expected to scare the audience and re-affirm the belief that "something is out there", which goes with the whole Paranormal theme in the movie.

However, the poster does not contain any conventional factors from other horror movie posters such as blood, the colour red, the picture of a villain or hero, and in some rare cases only an empty location. However, it does feature spine chilling tag lines and a reviewer feedback on the top which makes the poster more appealing. Tag lines such as "WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU SLEEP?" and "DON"T WATCH IT ALONE" makes the poster more interesting as it captures the audiences attention and makes them want to watch the movie.

The poster is neatly edited and layout is mainly centre aligned, so it looks neat, minimalistic, and your eye is drawn down the poster.

Posted By Hassan

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