Wednesday 20 April 2011

Questionnarie Results

After showing the video to a number of people we gave them a questionnaire. And have number of really nice comments about it!! Here are some of the summarized results.

FEMALES (6 in number)
Age: 16-20
Average Rating 8.5/10
About all of them were able to recognise the genre of the movie. They really liked Misc-en-scene and Sound effects. And the two of them said that they really liked the way the trailer is edited.
One of the good response is as follows;
''It's nice to see how you have manipulated the basement of school to create the eeriest effect. I loved the way you have created the logo of the company 'the opening eye'. And yes i  really appreciate the way you have created the sound effects''

MALES (9 in number)
Age: 16-21
Average Rating 9/10
They all identified the genre correct and liked Misc-en-scene , sound effects and editing. They all wanted to see the rest of the movie.

One of the nice response is;
'' Really nice piece of work, i want to see the rest of the movie. Really nice way to manipulate the location and  good sound effects. This is appreciable that you haven't used any sounds from outside the footage''

Posted By Zayan

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