Saturday 16 April 2011

Shooting at the Campus.

These first shots were taken from the basement, where we are showing how the 'spirit' dragged the character inside. And then the last shot where we show another character being 'possessed' by the spirit. Hassan was the stunt man, Saud in frame and Zayan handled this shot.


 These are the three pictures which justify our hard work that how we closed a major source of light. It was in fact the hardest and the most time consuming task of the day!! Zayan  was there with us, telling us what shots to take. We had with us the storyboard made by Zayan. The props and video camera were provided by Hassan.The blood idea was given by Hassan and it was very very inspiring and thus enabled us to create verisimilitude.
We three stayed till like 18 00, in school. The school was getting creepier by minute. We did this thing late because we wanted some blue and black color in the background.Also here in Pakistan it's yellow and sunny all the year. There were three locations in all. The school basement, corridors and the first floor lobby. First we did our shooting in the basement and then to the other two places. We were still welcoming new ideas at the spot because the location appeared quite different from what we expected. So we did basically change some of the shots because the new appeared quite better than planned.The experience was exciting , we manipulated the location and used simplest props to create the eeriest effect we could. Here are some of the proof shots we took, but mostly Saud as he was responsible for this along with Hassan.

Posted By  Saud.

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