Wednesday 20 April 2011

Evaluation Questions

Q.3How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

As Zayan took video portfolio in his Foundation task G321 therefore he had a grip on editing software like Adobe Premiere 7.0. In start of G321 Zayan saw Adobe tutorials on Youtube. And also our media tutor helped him in learning some of the features of Adobe.

Starting with the editing process of G324 Zayan was certain that this time he had to show better skills of the software. So he put the effects on the video to give it a darker shade. This time he also
1. Manipulated the logo as he wanted it to appear.
2. Changed and added effects on SOUND for the first time to get a better sound.
3. Worked with more cuts and cross dissolve at different places to make text understandable.

I knew how to use Adobe Photoshop for image manipulation. I and Saud were more interested in doing the ancillary tasks so we were responsible for their production. But when ever we held group meetings we would discuss how can we use different effects of Adobe Photoshop to create the image we wanted to create. There I chose to create a Poster and Saud Magazine. I had good practice on Adobe Photoshop as I had taken Print portfolio in my Foundation.

We spend a lot time in research process by using web 2.0. We searched Google and of this genre and found any references. Then by working on those references we were able to work out what we wanted to do. We used websites like ‘facebook’ to see how many likes a certain movie got so we were able to note down the popular movies between the audiences.

In our planning, we used Microsoft word to note down main events we will go through till the end of the journey. We made a list of things we needed to do before completion. We used Microsoft paint to make a shoot log and finally we used BLOGGER to upload all our work we did so far to make us more organized.

In evaluation stages, we used projector to show our products to audience in our class and then distributed questionnaire. Then we analyzed what we got from them in a form of a paragraph, to be shown on the BLOGGER.

Posted By Hassan

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