Wednesday 20 April 2011


Please list your 3 favourite films:

What is your favourite genre of film? Did the sequence make sense? YES / NO If ‘No’ what didn’t make sense? Why?

What was the title of this film?

Which genre would you classify this film as?

Comedy                     Horror                           Thriller                 Rom-com                              Action                        Adventure                     Sci-Fi
What did you like about the film?

Music               Character                Title          Plot                 Location
Other (Please specify) __________________________

Does it remind you of any other films you have watched?

What do you think we can improve on?

Would you be interested in watching the rest of this film? YES / NO Please specify your


On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the sequence? (Please circle):
1        2         3         4         5        6         7          8           9             10

Posted and Made By Zayan

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